Superman #3 Banner

SuperChat Brings Us Tales of Supermen and Superboys

It’s Supermen, Supermen, Supermen, everywhere you look. Evil, electric, parasitic, young and space-faring and, of course, original flavor. There’s something for everyone! Superman and his family deal with the threat of Metallo and his malevolent metallic minions — but there’s more than meets the eye in Action Comics #1053, written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, drawn…

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Nuclear Revenge in X-Terminators #5

Boom-Boom, Dazzler, Jubilee and Laura Kinney (the best Wolverine) have escaped 1. Dazzler’s creepazoid ex-boyfriend Alex, who happens to be a vampire; 2. Alex’s ultra-creepy mutant fight club; 3. the Collector’s disturbingly creepy space station; and 4. space. Now they’re back on Krakoa. What will they do for an encore? Find out in X-Terminators #5,…

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